Avni Kaul, Dietician and Nutritionist

M-65, Saket, Near HDFC Bank, New Delhi – 110017


Dietician and nutritionist Avni Kaul helps her customers lose weight healthfully and maintain their results without resorting to fad diets, crash diets, or other extreme measures. She uses what she calls a "intuitive eating" method to get people in touch with their bodies' genuine cues for when they are hungry, when they are full, and when they are satisfied. The purpose of NutriActivania is to help you have a better relationship with food so that you can experience sustained, long-term health. Avni Kaul, a registered dietitian, bases her practise on the belief that the key to long-term health is achieving a state of equilibrium in which dieting is unnecessary. Avni Kaul, the best nutritionist in Delhi, has a proven weight loss programme and healthy eating regimens that will get you in shape and keep you there. She is also a well-known child nutritionist in India, and her easy-to-implement meal plan has helped children strengthen their immune systems, overcome allergies, increase their height and weight, and combat obesity.
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