PVR Complex, A-113, First Floor, Vikaspuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110018


PFI PEST CONTROL PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private Company with the CIN number of U24299DL2021PTC379963. It was founded on 13-Apr-2021 and has been in business for 2 years, 1 month, and 26 days. The Registrar of Companies in ROC-DELHI is where PFI PEST CONTROL PRIVATE LIMITED is registered as a Non-govt business. As for how much money PFI PEST CONTROL PRIVATE LIMITED Company had when it was registered, it had Rs. 200000 in authorised share capital and Rs. 100000 in paid-up capital. According to the company's registration, its main business is "Manufacture of fine chemicals and other chemical products not elsewhere classified," which includes "antiknock preparations, antifreeze preparations, liquids for hydraulic gearbox, composite diagnostic or laboratory reagents, writing or drawing ink, chemical substance used in manufacturing pesticides and other chemicals."


3 Years in Business
2-10 employees

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